I just finished my first time doing the 300 melt down challenge! When I say finished, I mean I completed the different tasks, but it totally kicked my butt! I had to take a couple minutes to catch my breath and re-gain some strength every so often. I also broke up some of the exercises into a couple smaller sets, than one big set. Still, I did complete it in 17:00 using a 20 pound kettelbell, but I feel like I can't hardly move! The 300 melt down challenge is no easy task, and consists of V-ups, snatches, push-ups, swings, burpees, clean & press, and mountain climbers. From doing the burpees and the mountain climbers, my knuckles are raw...OUCH! Hopefully I'll be able to move tomorrow! If you try it out let me know what you think of it!
Over and out!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A little better...
Well, this past week I ran a 5k, and felt pretty good, however I still have quite a ways to go in less than a month. The race is May 2nd, and approaching very quickly! Thankfully I received my foot levelers which, I haven't been wearing too much, but so far I'm already feeling a little bit better. I'm hoping this continues as I continue to wear them more often. I also received my kinesio tape in the mail this week as well, which will help as well, especially when I'm actually racing. This week I believe I'll start ultrasound therapy, although I think I'll only get in 2 treatments before I head home, but I'll take what I can get! Well, that's all for now!
Over and out!
Over and out!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Indy Mini
I just looked on the Indy Mini website and can't believe that there is just over 37 days until the race! This is both very exciting, but annoying at the same time because I'm not able to train how I'd like to right now. As far as training goes right now, I'm on the bike, or walking, although I've run a couple miles from time to time when I get frustrated and just can't take it much longer! Even then though, I'm running on my toes so my heel isn't really involved, and hopefully that in turn will result in no, or at least very little pain in my heel.
Well, that's all for now, hopefully I'll be able to run more in the near future!
Over and out!
Well, that's all for now, hopefully I'll be able to run more in the near future!
Over and out!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I was going to post about my injury, but honestly, I'm just so frustrated that I really can't because it only makes me more upset than I already am. Hopefully I'll be able run again, and even more than that, that I'll be able to run without pain! I've been walking a couple times a week (12 miles in two days), and it's been great! However, at the same time when I see other people on the trail that are running, it's hard not to just start running myself. Literally sometimes I ache to go for a run, but I just have to focus on other things!
Over and out...
Over and out...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I couldn't help myself...
Well this past Monday I just couldn't help myself, and I ran, even though I really am not supposed to. It's been quite some time since I've been able to run, but I just couldn't take it any longer. So in the afternoon after getting things done throughout the day I went to the gym and got on the treadmill. Originally, I thought, that I would just walk for several miles, but once I got on there and started inputting my information, I had decided to run instead. I ran 2 miles in just over 20 minutes, and felt pretty good, but I was also only running on my toes, so my heel wasn't involved which resulted in very little pain. Hopefully I'll be able to continue to run in the weeks to follow being that the race is May 2nd! Yikes! That's coming up much sooner than I had thought! Well, that's all for now...
Over and out!
Over and out!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spinning...you betcha!

Today after class I decided that I would work out because I need to get in shape for my up coming race...and just in general it would be nice to be in shape again! Anyway, so I thought about walking at the gym, but decided that I would change it up a little being that I did walk Friday and Saturday (each 6 miles) and I'll be walking again Friday. I figured I would bike a few miles and call it good. Well I guess the walking has already helped my lung capacity, as well as my muscle endurance because I rode 10 miles in 29 minutes! I can't even tell you how good it felt to ride that far! (Yes, I know it's not all that far but it's much farther than I had been going in the recent past!) Tomorrow depending on my schedule I may do some weight training exercises with my kettle bell, but it may be a rest day. Well that's all for now!
Over and out!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Walking rocks!
So the past couple days I've met up with a friend of mine and went walking with her and her awesome dog! Now, we aren't just walking around a couple blocks, we're walking 6 miles each time! My legs are definitely feeling it, but it's so worth it! Between the great conversations and the fact that it's getting me back in shape I'm all for it! Plus after our walks there is always an amazing dinner, whether I am making something or we're going out for something. I've had such a great time and we plan on making this a weekly thing...if not more often!
Hopefully my legs get used to this quickly though! Although I think working out with my kettle bell as well as using the bike several times throughout the week. I think I need to step it up even more though if I'm going to be able to keep up with my friend much longer! Well, until next time...
Over and out!
Hopefully my legs get used to this quickly though! Although I think working out with my kettle bell as well as using the bike several times throughout the week. I think I need to step it up even more though if I'm going to be able to keep up with my friend much longer! Well, until next time...
Over and out!
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Different Kind of Training...
Well lately as much as I would love to put my running shoes on and go for a nice long run, I am not allowed. So I've been using the bike a lot, and also doing some other training exercises as well. Basically doing mostly cross-training so that I at least am still working out, and hopefully will not lose any of my heart/lung capacity. Even when I'm doing weight training (dumb bells, or kettle bells...my weight of choice!), I do my best to keep the tempo up so that my heart rate is up and I still get a cardio work out in even though I'm not running, or doing a traditional cardio type workout. Today I'm going for a long walk with a friend, so hopefully my heel will behave and not cause me much pain or trouble! Well, keep on pushing forward!
Over and out!
Over and out!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Training continued...
Training is going well considering that I'm only allowed to ride the bike instead of getting in several miles running. Ah, well at least I'm still able to train! Last week I did run a 4k on Tuesday to check and see how my heel does with running (I now have gel inserts to help with the impact of running/walking/etc.). It was painful throughout the run, esp. near the last part of it, so no my running until further notice. Anyway, Thursday and Friday I rode 5 miles on the bike in 10:45 min & 12:30 min, but I still don't feel like I get as much of a workout compared to when I run. I might lower the gear and ride for a much longer time, we'll see how that works out. I believe next week when I go for my adjustments, that I'll start ultrasound therapy for the heel spur. I'm also told that I'll get fit for orthodics to help with the issue as well. That's all for now...
Over and out!
Over and out!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ouch...why the pain!
Well yesterday I ran for the first time in quite a while, which was nice to get back to. However, only a couple hours after running I noticed how my left foot was really bothering me. Last weekend, I had slipped, and hurt my foot, but it didn't bother me again at the start of the week, so I didn't think anything of it. Well, I guess that wasn't the brightest idea, so now I'm in a bit of pain. Also, my knee on the medial side (the inner side) is bothering me quite a bit as well, which is really painful, even when I am only sitting down and crossing my legs. Hopefully these issues will be figured out quickly, because I only have about 80 days or so before the Indy Mini. I'll get treatment for my injuries this coming week, so hopefully that will help and I can continue training without much interruption. Well that's all for now...
Over and out!
Over and out!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Kettle bells continued...

Today I did another kettle bell work out, and it was amazing! It was only three of us, but it was awesome! We did swings, clean & press, front squats (with a clean), walking press, and the amazing, Turkish get-up! Talk about using your entire body, esp. with the last one. I need to invest in getting larger kettle bells though because the 20 pound one that I'm using right now just isn't cutting it anymore. I'm thinking about getting two 30 pound bells, but we'll see, I may stick with only 30 pounder for now. My thought is that with this strength training it will roll over into how well I am able to train, and eventually run the half marathon. Therefore, I'm going to try and work with my bell a few more times throughout the week. Running needs to be added back to the training schedule as well, but I'm still weary with my possible heel spur, but I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and start running again soon. Well, that's all for now!
Over and out!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Kettle bells rock!
Today rather than running I did a bit of kettle bell training with a few friends, and then road 5.2 miles on a bike. I hadn't used my kettle bell in a while, but it felt great to get back to it. I'm incredibly exhausted from the workout, but it felt great at the same time! The bike ride went pretty well, and I actually felt like I could have gone longer/further but I didn't want to push it too hard because I knew that the kettle bell workout was already going to make me sore enough! Hopefully this will be a weekly workout with the kettle bell and my friends, and hopefully more people will join us as well! Time to get in some much needed rest!
Over and out!
Over and out!
Friday, January 23, 2009

Eh...so today I had an adjustment (which was great!), however I found out the pain that I have been feeling in my right heel, might be a bone spur! UGH! Although, because this is a very recent "injury", it should be taken care of with some ultra-sound therapy and then we can call it good! I did go ahead and run today as well, and felt really good while I was running. I ran a 5k, so a little bit more than "scheduled", in just over 34 minutes, so not amazing time, but not terrible either. The plan for now is to run according to how my heel/ankle feels, so if it's not bothering me, to run the scheduled mileage, otherwise to ease off it some, maybe do some bike riding if it's really bothering me, but hopefully that won't happen! Well, until next time...
Over and out!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New kicks!

Woo-hoo new shoes! YAY! So I thought I'd just check out what prices were on my running shoes (Adidas adiSTAR control 5), and potentially buy a new pair because it was getting about that time anyway. Well, low and behold, there was an awesome deal on amazon.com, so I went for it! Normally these shoes are around $130, so when I found them for only $50, I was thrilled! So for the next couple days I'll be walking around in them to break them in maybe even run in them a little.
Training is moving along okay, but slowly, although that's how I intend for it to be. I'll be running 3 miles for the rest of the week, and into the first day or two of next week before changing any mileage.
Over and out!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Indy Mini training!

Over and out!
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