Saturday, April 11, 2009

300 melt down!

I just finished my first time doing the 300 melt down challenge! When I say finished, I mean I completed the different tasks, but it totally kicked my butt! I had to take a couple minutes to catch my breath and re-gain some strength every so often. I also broke up some of the exercises into a couple smaller sets, than one big set. Still, I did complete it in 17:00 using a 20 pound kettelbell, but I feel like I can't hardly move! The 300 melt down challenge is no easy task, and consists of V-ups, snatches, push-ups, swings, burpees, clean & press, and mountain climbers. From doing the burpees and the mountain climbers, my knuckles are raw...OUCH! Hopefully I'll be able to move tomorrow! If you try it out let me know what you think of it!

Over and out!

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